The roots of Schaper and Brümmer's su­ccess lie in decades of know­ledge of her­bal re­medies and their pre­paration. We there­fore have a long tradition of work­ing with natural sub­stances. The com­bination of this know­ledge and the latest re­search on the mech­anisms of actions and effica­cy of medicinal plants is the found­ation for the pro­duction of our phyto­therapeutic medicines.

Experience plus Innovation: Our Manufacturing

Over 90 years' ex­perience in the ex­traction of plant-based active sub­stances, state-of-the-art equip­ment main­tained to the most up-to-date scientific and tech­nical levels, as well as extensive­ly trained, special­ised staff ensure that our pro­ducts continue to meet the highest de­mands. During the manufactur­ing pro­cess, every plant extract is subject to strict quality controls. The aim: to provide patients with a highly effective and com­pletely safe medicine, which they can fully rely on, pill by pill and drop by drop.

Complete Perfection: Our Packaging and Logistics Centre

The days of medicine being sold loose in bags are long gone. Eight modern pack­aging lines, for both our own and con­tract pack­aging, ensure that each and every pharma­ceutical pack meets the highest standards of dura­bility and protection against con­tamination.

In a two-shift operation up to 295,000 packs are filled each day and then be stored in our own high-bay ware­house, which accommo­dates around 2,000 pallets.